Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Key To Happiness!!!

"Where there is no vision, the people perish"

It seems that the people also perish, when expectations aren't met. I believe though, that there is a difference between vision and expectations.

Expectation is a feeling that seems to just happen to us and rears it's ugly head when our expectations aren't met. Someone does the opposite of what we expected them to do and our ambiguous expectations become crystal clear as they're framed by disappointment. A lot of expectations aren't revealed until it's too late. When our expectations are revealed after the fact, it makes expectation look and feel dishonest. Expectation is a lonely job, often capped by deciding "we just won't have any expectations", believing we are insulating ourselves from the disappointments of life. Most of the time though, we don't consciously form our expectations, they pop up as a reaction to everyday situations.

But vision.... Vision is glorious. Vision is life-giving. Vision births a dream in advance and works to honestly clarify authentic direction. Vision leaves room for change, growth, and the unexpected. We never need to be protected from vision, because it is fluid and in motion, it can handle changes in direction. Vision is an overall guide, the goodness of what we want things to be. It is alive and active. Vision respectfully includes others and never quits, never gives up.

Life is a great learning experience. From a very childhood I had to struggle for each and every thing that I wanted and I thought I deserved. At an age when most teenagers are busy either in books or in opposite sex I was interested in finding an answer for my continuous dissatisfaction from life. I had a vision for myself (which I still have.) and many expectations from ‘n’ number of people around me. And it is when my expectations didn’t meet I felt devastated, I felt cheated and all such “self pity” types of feelings. Many times I cursed GOD for my sorrow and dissatisfaction. There were times when I thought my friends will be by my side and when I looked around I saw none! My mistake that, I expected from wrong people. And thus the story of my unhappy life continued…..
Love is a great spiritual feeling. When I fell in love I truly climbed the ladders of life. It taught me the art of ‘forgiveness’ and ‘selflessness’. It gave me the power to understand other person’s prospective and helped me a lot to have a crystal clear vision. I owe a lot to the feeling that dwells in my heart each and every moment. Today I am a happy person even though my life is not what I had pictured and this is due to the fact that I have given up the habit of expecting from other people. Today my expectations are only from myself. I love a girl who doesn’t love me, but that doesn’t make me unhappy because today I don’t expect her to love me in return, but I expect myself to love her with all my heart and soul. Today my expectations are only from myself. Today I believe that I have to achieve all my dreams and my visions on my own and if somebody helps me in the process it’s a boon for me. Today I am happy because there is no one who can made me sad by not fulfilling my expectations. So the Key to happiness is to expect only from your own self and not from others.
But not having any expectations from other doesn’t mean that you should not trust anyone, because if a person doesn’t trust anyone than he himself is not to be trusted. As trust and expectations are very different things which we generally correlate.
Here is a poem that I found on the internet which says what love without expectation means:

Love Without Expectation
By Donna Konias

You hold us close, O God,
without judgment or hesitation.
We look to You for fulfillment
that we may love without expectation.

Like David we seek You.
Like David we love You.
Like David we fear You
and put no one above You.

Together, we break through this world,
and turn the tables upside down.
Together, we move mountains,
and pick up all that has been cast down.

And in all that we have or don't have,
You have shown us
that we are enough.

You hold us close, O God,
without judgment or hesitation.
We look to You for fulfillment
that we may love without expectation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mast likha hai yaar...
a very nice piece of writing